Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Propeller necks

Last Friday I had the misfortune to be in the press pool at a politcal rally for Doug Forrester, who is currently the republican candidate for governor of New Jersey. The Big Dick (Cheney) was the guest of honor, and I spent several hoursfighting to stay awake by imagining what goes through the heads of the Secret Service agents when are standing there looking menacing. (The most popular suggestion was "I feel pretty, oh so pretty...)

It was the most boring rally I have ever been to. Anyway, the one thing I noticed was that there were an awful lot of bowties there. Why? Why do republicans wear bowties? It looks ridiculous. I don't get it. There was one poor bastard at the check-in desk wearing a tan suit and a red bow tie. Remind you of anyone? Here's a hint.

It amazes me that these goofy bastards run everything.

Tucker Carlton is partly responsible.

I'm surprised Fogle hasn't outed me yet, but I did vote for the idiot king in the last election. I was part of the anybody but Kerry camp. If Dean made it farther he would have had my vote. Back in 2000 I didn't vote for Bush in the primary, I voted for McCain.

As I said in an earlier post this is not the Republican party that is in power right now. This is some religious right-wing offshoot of the Republican party.

be patient one more year until election fun starts up again and we know Cheney doesn't stand a chance in hell if he decides to run.
I think George Will has a lot to answer for too.

You're a Bushwacker? Really? What in God's name for?

I have no problem with voting for McCain. He's a good man. But these assholes are unbelievable. I think McCain (if he runs) will pick up the ticket next time.

I never liked Dean. There was something about him that bugged me. I liked Clark.
No, I'm not retarded. I'm not for Bush, but I was that against Kerry. Plus I coul not put that Heinze bitch in as the first lady.

It was 2000 all over again for me. I just didn't care, but I don't have a right to bitch unless I vote.

So with lack of a clear direction as to who to vote for I went with the "Don't change horses mid stream" methedology.
Wow. For me, the choice was clear. The Democrats could have nominated Pauly Shore and I would have voted for him. The only thing that Bush has done in the last 4 and a half years that I support was a proposed mission to Mars. Even then I had issues because Nasa was forced to give up on Hubble, which was a mistake. (Besides, everyone knows that the Mars initiative is nothing but piss and wind.)
I never got the "Don't change horses in midstream" expression. I have no problem with the practice. If you think the country is going in the right direction, then by all means, vote for the incumbent. It's the expression that I think is stupid. Who the hell changes horses in the middle of a friggin' river? Why the hell would you do that? If it was something that people actually do, but isn't advisable, then I'd be okay with the expression.

Even if it was something the average person could relate to, I could get behind it. Like "You don't get out of the car while cruising down the interstate." Admittedly, that's not very good, but most Americans can relate to not getting out of a moving vehicle. Most people in this country, however, don't ride horses.
Why is McCain a douchebag? Because he supported his party's presidential candidate? He's a Senator. Or is it because he had a cameo in the Wedding Crashers?
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