Wednesday, July 06, 2005


RE: Sayonara Sandra - Hello Crapo, Part Deux

I know I said that we need to get our shit together, but I offered no suggestions on how to do it: Here's the first couple ideas I've had:

1) Get rid of Hollywood actors. I'm sorry, but you guys really aren't helping. No one outside the entertainment industry cares what Susan Sarandon has to say. To the rest of America, you guys are so far out of touch that you make all liberals seem like wackos.

2) Drop the fringe. The republicans are succeeding because they have managed to separate themselves from the ultra-conservative faction. I'm not talking about the NRA wackos. For every member of the NRA, we have the ACLU. I'm talking about the really weird ones. The conservatives have the gun-toting, Bible thumping, guys living in bunkers in the Ozarks. Liberals have the hippie, free love, down with the G8, Save-the-Spotted-Owl potheads. Shake 'em off, we don't need 'em.

3) Grow a pair. Get a freakin' message! Offend people! Say shit that will piss off some people. Do anything that shows you have a backbone. Don't be afraid to be voted out of office! You're elected officials. If you lose your job, you won't have any problem finding a new one! Where was the outrage at the CIA person being outed? Where was the contempt for Abu Ghraib? Why wasn't the administration held accountable? Scream for answers! Take every lie and bullshit story they've come up with and throw it back in their faces! It's not that hard. They do it on the Daily Show every night!

More to come...

No one offends anymore. My Dad calls it the Pussification of America.

I agree, we hae become so afraid of offending people, we now say absolutely nothing at all.
That's exactly why Kerry lost.
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