Wednesday, July 06, 2005


RE: Sayonara Sandra - Hello Crapo

This started as a comment but became it's own post:

What they need is something to shake up the Democratic Party. They've lost their way. Look at Kerry. He's got no one to blame but himself for losing last fall. First off, he spent way too much time talking about the swift boats and not enough on issues. They thought that they'd bring Bush down the same way they did with Bush Sr., by focusing on the economy. The problem was, the war was the main issue. With Bush Sr., the war was over, so there was nothing to talk about. No true here. The war was the big issue and what was Kerry's response? The war is going fine.

Say what you want, but the GOP has got their shit together and the Democrats don't. Just look at the language of politics nowadays. The republicans are masters at demonizing anything that is liberal. They have an amazing spin team. The Estate Tax is now the death tax. Global Warming is now climate change. They take stuff that sounds bad and soften it. The stuff that sounds good, they give it a bad name so that people will reject it. Very few people had problems with the estate tax until they started calling it the "death tax." Suddenly, people were up in arms over it.

Look at the Patriot Act. Many Democrats and civil libertarians oppose it, but it looks bad. "You oppose the Patriot Act? You must be unpatriotic then!" It's at the point where the word "liberal" is a bad word.

I don't blame the GOP, though. I don't blame Bush or Karl Rove. I blame the Democrats. When the GOP started assaulting us with "liberal-this" and "tax-and-spend-that," the Democrats bent over and grabbed their ankles. They lost in 2004 because they were so afraid of offending anyone, that they had no message. They didn't seem like leaders, they seemed like wusses.

The other day I was walking in the city and I saw someone with a sign saying "Get Rid of Bush." I also saw a bumper sticker saying "Impeach Bush." Guess what? IT'S TOO LATE! We're stuck with him. We're not going to impeach him. First off, it's not going to happen with a republican controlled Congress. Second, he hasn't done anything illegal (that we can prove). Third, even if we could impeach him, they'll never remove him from office. We're stuck.

So, Sandra Day is retiring and the next 2-3 justices on the Supreme Court will be Bush appointees. The next four years will have Bush in the White House. So, what is a liberal to do? What we need to do is concentrate on getting the House and Senate back. That means the midterm elections next year are vital. To the people with the "Impeach Bush" stickers I say this: Stop bitching and focus your energy on what's next. We lost the White House. It's over. The only way to stop the Bush wave is by getting back the Congress, so shut the hell up and focus on the future.

Don't be officially afraid, Cheese. Be officially pissed.

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