Thursday, August 11, 2005


Create a Nintendo Controller

Are you tired of game developers giving the same button multiple functions? Do you long for even more complex combo sequences in Mortal Kombat. The problem isn't with the games, it's because we don't have enough buttons to choose from.

Well the wait is over. Show Japan 'What's What' with the Nintendo Controller Editor.

Let them know that in America we like our controller big and unruly. Bill Gates understands.

They keep playing around with keyboards for consoles that never seem to take off. But I know what you mean. I was playing Spider-Man 2 last night and it took me 45 minutes to pass one level. It wasn't because it was particularly hard, although it was a bit challenging. It was because so many of Spidey's abillities are wrapped up in just a couple of buttons. You want to dodge, but you're too close to a wall and the dodge button also happens to be the "stick to a wall" button. So, instead of jumping out of the way of a plasma bolt, you end up not moving and sticking to a wall.

It's not entirely a question of bad game design, mind you. Console game designers are slaves to the limits of a console and it's controllers. The game is still fun.
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