Monday, August 08, 2005



I just bought a bike the other day. I have to tell you, I'd forgotten how much fun bikes can be. I didn't get my license until I was 20, and up until then I used to ride my bike everywhere, rain or shine. Well, it's been over a decade since I started driving, and I've hardly been on a bike since.

So, I bought one. I can't go up hills like I used to, but I just need to get back in shape. I've been riding every night and having a blast. I've gotten all kinds of accessories and stuff. I feel like I'm in Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I got a U-lock, a tire pump, a water bottle thing.

I bought a helmet, but I feel ridiculous in the damn thing. I know I should wear it, but I feel like an idiot. There's that part of me that says "You got along for 20+ years without a bike helmet and were just fine. Why do you need one now? I have had all kinds of bike wipeouts, and only ever came away with scrapes and bruises. I'll be fine."

People always say, "You'll crack your skull open." Honestly, has anyone ever heard of anyone doing this? I have met and heard of people breaking all kinds of bones. Legs, arms, wrists, ankles, feet, toes, fingers, noses, jaws, hips, ribs, collar bones. I even know a couple of people who broke their backs (and are still walking, thank God.) But have you ever heard of someone who has actually cracked their skull open? Alive or dead? I don't think it's a particularly common injury.

Then I remind myself that last week I managed to slam my fucking torso in a car door. So, I put the damn thing on. Your head is basically wrapped in styrofoam. I expected something more substantial. I wish they had invented something cooler looking, though. My head is large enough without this big red hunk of plastic and styrofoam accentuating it. Something like an Imperial Scout Trooper or a Viking helmet.

A while ago I was in New York and I saw this old guy on a bike get cut off by a cab. You know how people in NY tend to rely on their horns a lot? Well, this guy had one of those little bike bells, the ones that go "Ca-Ching! Ca-Ching!" He started yelling at the cabbie and just laying on that bell. "CA-CHING! CA-CHING!"

I have to get one.
I always thought people looked ridiculous with the helmets on.

I have my parents holding on to my mountain bike for when I get a similar inclination.
Yeah, you look pretty stupid, but you look even stupider with a concussion or brain damage.

The helmets they have on Battlestar Galactica are cool too.
I don't know if I'm convinced that a piece of styrofoam is going to save me when I get hit by a car.
Nor am I, but I'm willing to take the chance.
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