Friday, September 09, 2005


Can't He Do Anything Right?

In the wake of the hurricane, the massive destruction and loss of life, and the government's pathetic response, I have to ask the Bush supporters out there:

Is there anything George W. Bush has done right? Anything at all? Please, just name one thing.

"But Captain, Hurricane response and preparation is the responsibility of FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. How is it the President's fault?"

There are four simple words that Harry Truman once said. "The buck stops here."

This administration is famous for passing the buck and getting away with it. When there's no one else to blame, they make the victim the bad guy. No weapons of mass destruction? Must be the CIA's fault. Torturing prisoners in Iraq? Well, the sergeant in charge was to blame. Karl Rove leaked a CIA agent's identity? Well, why was her husband in Africa anyway? He's got no credibility. (What the hell ever happened with that anyway? It just disappeared.) Cindy Sheehan wants to talk to him about her dead son? Well, she's a left wing wacko with ties to Michael Moore.

Mr. President, you are in charge. Everything even remotely tied to the executive branch is your responsibility and when things get screwed up, it's your fault. Be a man and take some responsibility.

They keep saying "Now is not the time to play the blame game." Spoken like someone who truly is to blame.

On a related note, Congress has set up a commission to investigate the failures of FEMA and Homeland Security. The Democrats are saying the panel is too GOP-heavy and cannot be objective. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has called for an independent commission.

In a show of astounding hypocrisy, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) has stated that we should put an end to partisan politics in this time of crisis.

Hello? That's exactly what they're doing! That's why they call it an independent commission. Because it's completely non-partisan, you great twit.
The sad thing is, before Bush, FEMA actually worked as a well-oiled machine. Since it's incorporation into the Homeland Security Dept., no one seems to know who's in charge.

Both the FEMA head and the H.S. Secretary had no idea that there were people stranded in the New Orleans Convention Center, despite the fact that it had been reported on the news for over 24 hours.

The Administration keeps comparing this to 9-11. The only thing that is the same is that it's a tragedy. First of all, 9-11 was a premeditated attack. Katrina was a natural disaster. No one saw 9-11 coming, whereas meteorologists began seeing Katrina's formation as early as nine days before hand.

The Administration had said that no one saw the levies breaking in a hurricane. That of course is bullshit, they've been talking about it for decades. Even I knew about it. I saw a program on the Discovery Channel about it over a year ago.

They haven't even fired that ass at FEMA. He's simply been relieved of his duties of managing the Katrina disaster.
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