Monday, January 16, 2006


She may not look like much...

In my wanderings about the web, I happened across a site where someone recently posed the question "What is your favorite spaceship?" So, I pass the question on to you. I know, for a lot of us geeks and fanboys out there, the automatic response is usually something like the Millennium Falcon, but I want you to really think about it. We've watched a lot of spaceships over the years, to say nothing about the ones we've read about in books and comics. So which is it?

The Heart of Gold?
The Nostromo?
That one in The Life of Brian?

Stretch your brains, people.

Oh sir, I shall meet that challenge!

Two Sci-Fi series that I have had exposure to this year have made me rethink how I feel about the genre.

Firefly & Battlestar Galactica

Collectively they have portrayed space how it will probably end up being -- dirty and cobbled together.

While I have the utmost respect for how they have invigorated the genre that Star Trek almost smothered to death with one cookie cutter clone after another. I have to say I don't really love the ships in either show. They are filthy.

For me the grandest gal will forever be the Enterpise-D. She was a fictitious product that best embodied the time she was created.

In the late 80's, America was untouchable. The Berlin wall was getting ready to fall, after Reagan rubbed that bird poop off of Gorbachov's head. Our economy was a juggernaut of spending power (ya, all right it was all on credit and we are paying for it still today, but allow me to dwell for a moment in Milli Vanilli bliss).

The Federation of Planets in Star Trek: TNG modled itself after this same sense of superiorty and the Enterprise-D was her crowning acheivement. It was a luxury liner that could kick ass. It was classy and yet sassy when it shed its saucer section.

It also helped a young man stuck in the suburbs of New Jersey, who felt very alone at times see the stars.
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