Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Well, it's our 101st post, ladies. I was going to do the big flashy graphic for the big 100, but Cheese beat me to it. Anyway, on with the post.
In Indonesia today, a group of Australian nationals were sentenced to die by firing squad for drug trafficking. Indonesia, like many nations in Southeast Asia have a zero tolerance policy for drugs. Mere possession of a dime bag in these countries could cost you decades of your life.
I am a liberal, as you all know. It's a badge I wear with pride, and I have no idea how the right managed to turn it into a dirty word. I should tell you that I am against capital punishment. I think that the judicial system, like all branches of government, should be held to a higher standard. I think that execution for drug trafficking is a punishment that does not fit the crime.
That said, I find myself not feeling a whole lot of remorse for the fate of these guys. If you go to a foreign country, you are subject to their laws, whether you agree with them or not. Whether they are just or not. I mean, they were drug traffickers in Southeast frickin' Asia. You have to be out of your damn mind to do something like that. How dumb do you have to be? We're talking Salman-Rushdie-taking-a-vacation-in-Tehran kind of dumb.