Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Destroy All Humans!

Well, I picked up a copy of Destroy All Humans! yesterday. I tell you, the first time I picked up a cow with my brain and threw it against a tractor, I was hooked. It's just fun, plain and simple. There's something truly enjoyable and cathartic about wiping out humanity. Good times.

The main character is a little grey man ("I'm not green, damnit!") named Crypto. He's on a one-man, er, make that a one-thing mission to rescue his clone (who crash-landed in Roswell, no less) and complete his mission to harvest humanity's brainstems in order to refill the dwindling DNA stocks at the cloning houses back home.

You get to zap, death-ray, abduct, mutilate and anal probe (yes, you get to anal probe) your way across the US at the dawn of the space age. With your staggering mental powers you can read minds, levitate objects (and, of course, cows), hypnotize people to do your bidding, and even make people's heads explode.

This is essentially Mars Attacks! from the alien perspective, and frankly, those hairless apes on Planet Earth are due for a good probing!

It's great because not only do you get to run around vaporizing the primate infestation with a variety of rayguns, you also get to level cities and towns from your flying saucer.
Great blog. please check out my site self hypnosis and let me know what you think of it. cheers
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