Friday, August 18, 2006


Two-Face is Too Effeminate

I know our generation is changing all the rules on the definitions of masculinity and gender roles, but I see the latest addition to the new Batman movie line-up is just too much of a Nancy Boy to pull it off.

Filling the shoes of the barely existent Billy Dee Williams in the Tim Burton original Batman and the over the top Tommy Lee Jones in the first Joel Schmaker train wreck, Ryan Phillipe will be the new Harvey Dent/Two-Face.

So let’s recap: Heath Ledger is the Joker, Ryan Phillipe is Two-Face, all we need now is Jake Gyllanhal as Robin and we have a pivot man for the rogue gallery circle jerk.

I guess maybe I’m starting to show my age, but I just think these guys are too young and too dam pretty to convey the emotional scarring that’s at the heart of all these characters.

I think that's part of it, though. Harvey Dent was always supposed to be a pretty boy, which was supposed to make his disfigurement that much more tragic. At least, that was the idea.
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I always thought two-face was supposed to be handsome in that large jaw Kennedy type way. Not girlie-boy pretty like Ryan Phillipe.

I'm sure they will both do fine and I will love the movie, but if I bitch about anythingreal these days it just makes me extremely angry.
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